I'm so glad we decided to get visas for Russia so we could go into the city of Moscow and see the sights. It's such a wonderful place, with so many beautiful historical things to see and places to go. Our guide was a dear friend of a dear friend of mine (and now a dear friend of ours herself), and she was so wonderful and really helped us see all the amazing things in her city.
We rode the express train from the SVO airport to the center of Moscow, where Anna met us. She took us via Metro to the Kremlin and all around Moscow, really. It was a lot to do in one day, but it was really worth it.
People touch the nose of this soldier's dog for luck. We touched it and had a fantastic day -- I don't know if it was luck or if it was just that Russia is such a wonderful place to visit.
We got to see the outside of the Bolshoi theater. Some day I would love to come back with enough time to see a ballet here.
The geographic center of Moscow.
We got to see the changing of the guard at the war memorial. They call WWII the Great Patriotic War.
Kremlin walls. We also went inside the Kremlin armory to see the Faberge eggs and other treasures. Photos aren't allowed inside, so we bought postcards for our scrapbook (and some to send when we get to Bishkek).
With Anna, our wonderful new friend, at the Kremlin walls. Words can't say how much of a blessing she has been to us.
Such a pretty church!
The outside of the church.
More socialist realism in the Metro. They have a really interesting perspective. The other mosaics in this station are airplanes, etc -- everything is about appearing as if the subject is looking down a hole at the people passing by.
Enjoying Russian ice cream with Anna.
GUM -- pronounced like "goo" with an "m" on the end -- the most exclusive shopping in Moscow. It is very beautiful and historic, dating back before the Russian Revolution.
Saint Basil's reflected in GUM -- as close as we could get on this side of Red Square.
St. Basil's. NOT the Kremlin. :P
With Papa Beast at St. Basil's -- it was the back side because we couldn't get near the front due to a concert in Red Square.
GUM lit up at night.

The inside of GUM.
The wonderful spread of salads and other goodies at dinner. :)
It was so hard to leave, really, and I would love to go back to Russia and spend much more time there. Hopefully, I will learn more Russian soon. :)
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